Monday 14 March 2011

Feria San Telmo wasn't a big success, but here's the reasons we're not letting it get us down.

So unfortunately we made our big public debut in feria San Telmo. I say unfortunatey, because we realized very quickly that we did not quite fit in there and it wasn't really the crowd for us. we were surrounded by a sea of hippies and hemp, who, even though we did not know how to make things out of hemp or any languages of any of the indigenous tribes in south america, they were very kind to us all the same. another big part of the problem was the presentation. not that it didn't look good, but that it was so small compared to those of the hippies that our poor little comic book earrings and rings just couldn't stand out next to all the crystals, hemp, and gem stones. We sold only one thing, and it was in the beginning of the day. We thought things were looking good for us, and then we sat the rest of the day without selling another damn thing. oh well, thems are the breaks.
whatever little monetary success we had was made a little better when the people who actually did notice our tiny little display stopped to admire and tell us what an original idea it was and how cute it was bla bla blippity bla.
Another problem I believe is that the people who go to this fair are all tourists looking for traditional Argentine souvenirs to bring home. no one paid any attention to the metal jewelry we brought, and at first glance, the comic book things do not appear to be at all Argentine, though, as they are made from vintage Argentine comics, they do have a little bit of Argentina in them. unfortunately not enough people stopped for long enough to find that out.
So, despite this set back (which we don't actually see as a set back and more just trial and error), we are going to try San Telmo one more time with a bigger presentation and a sign to explain that the things are made from argentine comics. we are not even going to bother with the metal jewelry in san telmo. If we still have no success then we will go to another fair in Palermo which is a little more our scene but also a little more difficult to sell in (which is why we want to try San Telmo just once more).
Well boys and girls, that is the story of the San Telmo fair. It seems like a sad story with an unhappy ending, but please don't see it that way as we don't either :)

Also, unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera, but just imagine in your head what a street full of hippies making hemp necklaces looks like and you will have a pretty good mental photo of the San Telmo fair. Goodbye for now queridos!

Friday 11 March 2011

A la Pop! goes to feria San Telmo!

Welcome to the beginning of a beautiful friendship! A la Pop! is in it’s beginning stages and we are very excited to see what will become of this little venture. We love art, we love pop, we love jewelry. Put those things together and Voila! You have A la Pop! Today Blog spot, tomorrow the world! Well, probably just the city, but only time will tell. This weekend A la Pop! goes to Feria San Telmo in Buenos Aires (that means “good airs” for all you non-Spanish speakers, but let me tell you, the airs are not so good) to sell for the first time. Stay tuned to see how we do

Preparing for the feria

Handmade baggies for that extra touch of amor